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Assalamu'alaikum Sobat. Bagaimana kabar Sobat semua? Semoga Alloh masih memberi hidayah dan inayahnya yah, hehe bercanda. Tapi yah harus gitu dong, kalau kita ndak diberi hidayah ma inayah dari Alloh kita pasti tersesat toh. Inget yang bolak balike hati ki Alloh lho. Liat aja nih mimin, masih suka males-malesan kerja, haha. Oke dah dari pada mikirin mimin yang ogah-ogahan ni mimin kasih sebuah aplikasi untuk melakukan editing, convert pdf ke berbagai bentuk file lainnya.
Mau tahu kelebihan selengkapnya? nih mimin kasih. Tapi maaf masih bahasa Inggris. Tapi mimin tau kok dah pada jago, ada yang tidak tahu??? kalau tidak tahu jangan tanya mimin tanya yang lain saja, hehe. Cekidot.
- Create + Combine - Nitro Pro 8 lets you easily create industry-standard PDF files from almost any file format. And sharing is seamless: any PDF created in Nitro Pro can be opened and viewed on virtually any machine, and will display identically to what you intended it to.
- Edit Text + Images - From simple typos to extensive formatting, Nitro Pro 8 makes it easy to get your PDF files exactly how you want them. Simply click on the document element to be edited and make your changes – directly within the PDF file.
- Convert + Export - Featuring 3 conversion modes and advanced extraction tools, Nitro Pro 8 lets you reuse and repurpose PDF-based content with greater accuracy. You can extract text and images from reports, presentations, and more for reuse in any other application.
- Scan + OCR - Instantly turn any hardcopy document into a searchable and editable PDF file with Nitro Pro’s Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. Digital documents are easier to search, index, archive, share and distribute. They’re also greener and more cost-effective.
- Collaborate + Review - Sharing feedback has never been easier. Nitro Pro 8 streamlines your review cycles by facilitating communication across multiple teams, documents and geographic locations. Nitro Pro is 100% compatible with Adobe® Acrobat®, Adobe Reader, and other solutions.
- Sign + Certify - No more wasting time with the print-sign-scan-send routine. Nitro Pro 8 lets you convert forms and documents to PDF, then add encrypted digital signatures — making the entire electronic approval process faster than ever before.
- Control + Protect - Rest assured: with Nitro Pro 8 your PDF content is always protected, never vulnerable. You can easily restrict PDF access and usage, set password protections, delete sensitive information, and control how your system interacts with potentially malicious content.
Tuh banyak kan, nanti kapan-kapan deh mimin coba bisa ndak yah, hehe. Terutama tentang OCR tuh kayaknya asik ntuk dibahas deh. Oke deh yang lagi butuh segera bisa didownload deh. Jangan lupa download/ unduh file sesuai arsitektur sistem operasi yang Sobat gunakan. 32 bit / x86 pake yang itu dan yang 64 bit/ x64 juga pake yang itu disesuaikan. Jangan menyesal kalau salah download yah, hehe. Semoga berguna buat Sobat semua.
Password if needed : 070913043
Best Regard to forum.indowebster.com
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